Don't miss out on a great bargain this Saturday, October 26th, from
10:00 am - 4:00 pm at Evanston's thrift store, NU2U. Your purchases
during that time will be supporting the Evanston Civic Orchestra and
Chorus, as NU2U will generously be donating 80% of all thrift store
sales to ECOC.
Trying to piece together a Halloween costume? Looking for materials for
fall crafting? Sad that yard sale season is over? NU2U is the place
to start your fall shopping this Saturday.
NU2U just recently changed location to a much larger store at 1624
Harrison Dr. They even have a dedicated room for holiday decorations,
clothing, housewares, and more! Come early for the best selection, and
bring your friends! This fundraiser helps to support ECOC in producing
their much-anticipated Christmas and spring concerts for the community.
by Sara